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More than 35 years of experience in environmental affairs, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Risk Management, Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Assessment studies (QQRAs), and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as well as comprehensive project and construction management. ECOTOPIA EEC delivered an impressive list of distinguished and record-breaking projects in ecological assessment, sustainable development, and civil engineering in USA, Asia, Africa and Middle East. During their long history of environmental engineering they worked with various international organizations, NGOs, and national entities including UN, UNDP, EU, World Bank, and United Nations Peacekeeping Forces.


Environmental Management Unit

Established and supervised the Environmental Management Unit (EMU) of the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) which was expanded to become the Environmental Management, Safety and Health Unit (EMSHU) in 2015.


Awarded Gold Medal

ECOTOPIA EEC earned the Gold medal by "Sustainable United Nations Facility/Geneva" UNIFIL, May 2015


Environmental Management, Safety and Health Unit (EMSHU)

ECOTOPIA EEC Established and managed the Environmental Management, Safety and Health Unit (EMSHU) and support United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in CAR in assessing its existing environmental management practices and to establish an Integrated Environmental Management System (IEMS) for the Mission in order to reduce its Environmental Footprint resulting from its operations in Central African Republic (CAR).


United Nations Environmental Engineering Advisory Board

ECOTOPIA EEC is a member of the United Nations Roster of experts in the field of Environmental Engineering, leading teams of experts to deploy an Integrated Environmental Management System (IEMS) for the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions and other UN Organizations worldwide.


Ecological Management Advisory Board

ECOTOPIA EEC is a member of the Environment and Agriculture Committee of Tyre Municipality, Lebanon providing Technical Advice to Tyre Coast Natural Reserve (TCNR).


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Who we are!

Our Company

ECOTOPIA EEC is a consulting firm that specializes in environmental engineering and risk management. We help our clients with innovative solutions for managing risks to protect the environment. We're an award-winning company whose employees specialize in creating sustainable projects from start-to-finish by using green technologies such as renewable energy or recycled construction materials.

Worlds Leading
Environmental Engineering Consultants

35+years of experience

ECOTOPIA EEC is a nationally accredited, privately owned, internationally focused environmental engineering consultancy with world-class capabilities spanning all aspects-from Ergonomic Workplace Assessment through occupational safety and environmental impact assessment.

Our Commitment

Performance Excellence

Our team provides innovative solutions to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), industrial risks, environmental engineering problems that promote safe workplaces. We also train for different levels along with providing new systems design as well assessing existing projects unlocking opportunities protecting the environment and its resources.

Client Focus

We at ECOTOPIA EEC have a clear and unwavering focus on fully understanding our clients’ needs before delivering on promises. Our team approach to environmental challenges ensures that we work collaboratively with you, developing bespoke solutions from concept through every stage of the project – ensuring both expertise as well as resources are deployed for success.

Responsible Behaviour

We’re committed to protecting our environment and ensuring the safety of all those in or affected by activities, as well as environmental consequences such a pollution caused directly or indirectly through production processes, which is why we take proactive approach to environmental impact management very seriously.

We take our duty to act environmentally responsibly at all times very seriously through proactively managing the impacts of our activities on communities and people. We work according to a set of guiding principles, which include complying with high standards in place for safe practices such as eliminating accidents among project personnel or clients involved by these operations. In particular we aim for not only safety but also environmental protection within this process so that future generations may inherit earth even more beautifully than before

Ayman Ibrahim ABDELWAHAB,
Founder & CEO
Usama Ahmed FARAMAWY,

Air Modeling Consultant
Mohamed Yousef OMAR,

Environmental Risk Assessment
Mohamed Osama ABDELWAHAB,

Project Manager
Rawan Mazin Mahmoud,
Environmental Architect Officer
Amira Mohamed Salem,
Interns & Volunteering Program
Environmental Architect
Haidy Mohamed Elkhashab,
Interns & Volunteering Program
Environmental Architect
Yusrah Ihab Ahmed,
Interns & Volunteering Program
Environtmenal Architect